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The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) announces the release of the Issue 34 of ERSUMA Bulletin of Professional Practice (BEPP) after the last 3 special series OHADA Law & COVID-19 offered to the public.

Your information periodical covers current developments in business law, OHADA Law,  national law of the States Parties, other African Community Laws and Comparative Law.

This new issue is made up of height (8) articles produced by academics and professionals.  The reader will be informed in a succinct manner through columns devoted to chronicles, jurisprudence and national legislation on various topics such as:

  • Post-covid19 CSR: the best practices of CSR enactment;
  • Land tenure securing and business development in Africa;
  • Covid-19 and the challenges of data opening up in OHADA space
  • The status of active public administration permanent executive, in particular that of permanent lecturer is not compatible with the status of practicing professional lawyer, a liberal and independent profession.
  • WAEMU Court of Justice, Ruling No. 005/2020, 08 July 2020, WAEMU Commission v/ Decision No. 19-287 of 22 August 2019 of the Constitutional Court of Benin;
  • Procedural time limits in times of health crisis linked to the covid-19 pandemic: the CCJA plays the card of caution and understanding regarding the parties   
  • Senegal defines new priorities for the modernization and efficiency of its commercial justice system;
  • Congo sets up a Mediation and Arbitration Centre;
  • Understanding the law suspending enforcement measures in Senegal 

Please click on the links below to access free of charge the previous special issues of OHADA & COVID-19 Law (1st and 2nd & 3rd Series) :

Issue31 : https://www.ohada.org/index.php/fr/nos-activites/nos-publications/bulletin-ersuma/3574-bulletin-ersuma-de-pratique-professionnelle-31-numero-special-droit-ohada-covid-19-1ere-serie  

Issue32 : https://www.ohada.org/index.php/fr/nos-activites/nos-publications/bulletin-ersuma/3575-bulletin-ersuma-de-pratique-professionnelle-32-numero-special-droit-ohada-covid-19-2ieme-serie

Issue33 : https://www.ohada.org/index.php/fr/nos-activites/nos-publications/bulletin-ersuma/3673-bulletin-ersuma-de-pratique-professionnelle-33-numero-special-droit-ohada-covid-19-3eme-serie-numero-offert

You can also access the table of contents of the issues 28, 29, and 30 by clicking on the links below:

Due to the global health situation, the ERSUMA Bulletin is only available in digital format.

It is on sale online and can be purchased by annual subscription.

Price per unit: 3,000 CFA francs / 6 USD / 5 Euros

Price of the twelve (12) issues of the year on subscription basis: 30,000 francs CFA/60 USD / 46 Euros

To join the Bulletin subscribers, please fill out and send the subscription coupon to the following address: ersuma@ohada.org.

For any information or contributions to the Bulletin, please contact ERSUMA at: ersuma@ohada.org.