Towards the prevalence of arbitral irresponsibility in OHADA law?
The English version of this content will be available. MAFO DIFFO Raymond Doctorant à la FSJP Université de Yaoundé 2, SOA Résumé L’aspect contractuel de
Confidentiality in arbitration proceedings in the OHADA area
The English version of this content will be available. Cédric Carol TSAFACK DJOUMESSI ATER Faculté des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de l’Université de Dschang Il
The “disharmony” on the question of the responsibility of maritime transport auxiliaries in Central Africa: An attempt at unfinished harmonization of the community legislator of 2012
The English version of this content will be available. TANKEU Maurice ATER FSJP Université de Dschang Dans le commerce international, la conclusion d’un contrat de
Free comments on the independence of the legal auditor of OHADA public limited companies
The English version of this content will be available. Didier TAKAFO-KENFACK Docteur en droit-Assistant Université de Bamenda (Cameroun) Les crises, au delà des effets néfastes
Settlement of community disputes by the Judicial Chamber of the Court of Justice of CEMAC
The English version of this content will be available. TATY Juge à la Cour de Justice de la CEMAC Propos introductifs Le règlement du contentieux
The vow of poverty of religious in the DRC: an obstacle to the execution of judicial decisions in accordance with the uniform act on the means of execution?
The English version of this content will be available. LELO PHUATI Evariste Assistant à l’Université Président Joseph Kasa Vubu en RD. Congo/Boma Avocat au Barreau