The Regional High School of the Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHAHA) in partnership with the OHADA National Commission of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the University of Kinshasa, the Kinshasa Gombe Bar Association, and JUS AFRICA, are organizing an international colloquium in Kinshasa, at Fleuve Congo Hotel, from October 18th to 20th, 2023, on the theme “OHADA, thirty (30) years on: assessment and prospects”.
The aim of this international colloquium is to take stock of OHADA’s thirty years and to think about its development prospects. It will be an opportunity to assess the Organization’s first thirty (30) years, with a view to orienting, rationalizing and optimizing its contribution, and above all that of its Law, to legal and judicial certainty, the improvement of the investment climate and the economic development of its member states.
Target audience: This colloquium is intended as an open forum for discussion on the experience and future of OHADA and its law. It will bring together OHADA institutions, public and private institutions, academics and researchers from a variety of fields, legal and accounting professionals, and litigants, with economic operators at the forefront.
Students and other professionals interested in OHADA and its law will also be able to take part.
The paper presentations will be conducted primarily in French, with simultaneous translation into OHADA’s other official languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Conditions of participation:
The Colloquium is open to bimodal participation (in person and by videoconference).
- Registration:
- Online registration to take part in the colloquium is compulsory via the ERSUMA training platform at :;
- Completion of the online registration form constitutes temporary registration;
- Payment of the participation fee constitutes final registration.
- Participation fee:
- In person
- Professionals: XOF150,000 / €230 / $230
- PhD Students & Students: XOF50,000 / €80 / $80
- Visioconferencing
- Professionals: XOF50,000 / €80 / $80
- PhD Students: XOF25,000 / €40 / $40
- Students: XOF10,000 / €15 / $15
- In person
Participation fees for the International Colloquium cover teaching aids and handouts, coffee and lunch breaks during the paper presentations, the novelty evening, sightseeing, and entitle the participant to a certificate of attendance. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and catering costs.
Students and PhD Students are required to provide valid proof of their status.
- Payment:
Payment can be made online via the registration website or in cash at the Kinshasa Gombe Bar Association. To pay by conventional means, please download the payment form by clicking on the link below :
A letter of invitation will be sent to you after payment
To access the TDRs, please click on the links below :
- In French :
- In English :
- In Spanish :
- In Portuguese :
« OHADA, a dynamic tool for Africa’s economic development »