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Madagascar and OHADA Scientific Days: Cross-reflections

On 29 and 30 October 2024, Antananarivo, the capital city of the Republic of Madagascar, hosted a major scientific event organized by the Malagasy Consortium for OHADA, in collaboration with the National School of Magistracy and Court Registry and with the support of OHADA institutions.

 The proceedings, which opened on behalf of the Minister of Justice by the Secretary General of this ministerial department, brought together a diverse audience and was attended by Heads of OHADA Institutions and ERSUMA administrators, including high-profile personalities such as Congo’s Chief Justice, Directors General of the judicial training centres of Niger and the DRC, as well as the President of the OHADA National Commission for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

 Discussions addressed issues relating to the business climate in Madagascar, the expectations and concerns of the judiciary with regard to OHADA, and highlighted the lessons learned from the experience of some OHADA Member States.

 Specific working sessions were organized with the Madagascan Supreme Court and the Bar Association. These in-depth discussions helped to dispel apprehensions on issues such as access to the CCJA, the cost of appeals before the said Court and the management of the overlap between various sub-regional organizations.

 The Madagascar Scientific Days were also an opportunity to present to the public the brand-new book ordered by ACP Legal Océan Indien in partnership with the Fondation pour le droit continental and the Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar (GEM), entitled “Droit OHADA et autres systèmes de droit écrit – Études comparatives et perspectives d’élargissement” (OHADA law and other written law systems – Comparative studies and prospects for expansion). 

The Permanent Secretary welcomes and encourages these various initiatives, which help to bring the Republic of Madagascar ever closer to OHADA, its natural family.