The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) organizes in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo from July 29 to August 2, 2019 a training for qualifications on « PPP : how to optimize private funding of public infrastructure in africa ?»
The purpose of this training session is to enhance the capacity of the auditors in legal and technical preparation and management of public-private partenerships and the optimization of private funding of public infrastructure in Africa.
Place : Brazzaville, (Republic of Congo)
Duration/dates: Five (05) days, from July 29 to August 2, 2019
Target audience : Company managers, executives and agents from ministries in charge of finances and infrastructures ; executives and agents from legal departments ; lawyers ; notaries ; CEOs ; company directors, executives and agents from administrative, finances and sales departments ; contract managers ;corporate lawyers ; bank and insurance lawyers ; tax specialists ; chartered accountants ; auditors ; executives and agents from government offices, private sector ; Professional Organizations ; development partners ; Merchant Banks ; Investment funds ; stock exchange Organizations ; brokerage companies ; funders ; and international institutions willing to invest in Africa ; academics.
Trainers :
- Me Issakha NDIAYE, Lawyer at Paris Bar , holder of a PhD in Public Law, Associate lawyer at DS AVOCATS law firm, expert in PPP Law and Public Procurement ;
- Mr. Abdoulaye GOUNOU, Public Policy Reviewer, Head of the office in charge of public policies evaluation at the Presidency of Benin Republic ; Lecturer at the University of Abomey-Calavi ;
To register :
- Download one of our individual or organization/enterprise registration forms by clicking on one of the links below :’inscription_entreprise_organisation.docx’inscription_individuel.docx
- Fill and send the form by electronic mail to the addresses herein : and ;
- Pay the training fees of 450,000 FCFA
A discount of 10% will be granted to companies or Organizations with a minimum of three (3) registrations.
Students and PhD students willing to attend this training shall enjoy a 40% discount on the training fees when they prove their status by sending a request together with a scanned copy of the student registration certificate to the General Director of ERSUMA at,
The training fees shall cover the training materials and equipments, coffee and lunch breaks on the training days and the certificates. The participant shall bear travel, accommodation and other food expenses. For any inquiry about accommodation places, please contact us.
Registration and Payments shall be made at :
The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA)
Porto-Novo – Bénin/Ouando, Carrefour Cinquantenaire – Pobé Road
Phone : +229 20245804 – 97970537 – 95403190
E-mail : /
Permanent Secretary of OHADA
Yaoundé – Cameroun / Hippodrome opposite MINREX
Phone : + 237 222210905 – 652626492
E-mail : /
Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA)
Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire/ Plateau, Avenue Dr JAMOT, Angle Boulevard CARDE
Tél : +225 07444195 – 07912470
E-mail : /
Download online the 2019 trainings catalogue by clicking on the Link below :
« ERSUMA, for an effective and efficient rule of Law »