The Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) organises several activities in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 15 to 19 October 2018 at SULTANI Hotel.
Training session N°1 on the theme : ” the new financial statements of the revised SYSCOHADA : drafting and methodological guide “
Trainer: Mr. Joël Omer Arnold MABUDU, Chartered accountant. General Director of the accounting firm GLOBAL EXPERT. Co-editor of the AUDCIF.
Target audience : chartered accountants, finance and accounting directors, finance and administrative directors, chief accountants, executives and officers of public communities, accounting officers, management controller, partners of accounting departments, auditors, financials tax advisers, judges, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, judicial representative, corporate advisers, managers, researchers, economic operators, any person working in the area accounting and persons interested.
Dates: from 15 to 17 October 2018 (03 days)
Cost: 350.000 FCFA (700$)
A 10% discount is granted for groups of at least three (03) registrations.
Training session N°2 on the theme “Mastering the new legal framework on arbitration and mediation in the OHADA Space”
Maître Narcisse AKA, Secretary General of the Arbitration Center of the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration
Mrs. Bintou BOLI DJIBO, Business Lawyer. Arbitrator. Mediator. Permanent Secretary of the Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation Centre of Ouagadougou (CAMCO)
Target audience: Magistrates, arbitrators, mediators, managers of arbitration and mediation centers, accountants, notaries, lawyers, bailiffs, legal representatives, corporate managers, academics, economic operators and any other interested person.
Dates: from 16 to 19 October 2018 (04 days)
Cost: 200.000 FCFA (400$) sponsored by the World Bank as part of its Support Program for the Improvement of Investment Climate (PACI)
A 10% discount is granted for groups of at least three (03) registrations.
ERSUMA Matinées
The ERSUMA Matinées will be conducted by Prof. Mayatta Ndiaye MBAYE, Law Lecturer. ERSUMA General Director.
Research Matinée on the theme : “ OHADA Law: from legal modernization to economic development ”
Target audience: For all
Date and time: Monday 15 October 2018 from 10am to 01 pm
Venue: Kinshasa University
Cost: Free admission
Training Matinées:
Theme N°1: “Immunity from execution in OHADA space”
Target audience: lawyers, bailiffs, corporate advisers, corporate directors, managers and economic operators.
Date and time: Tuesday 16 October 2018 from 09am to 2pm
Cost : 50.000 FCFA (100$)Theme N°2 : “legal arrangements on corporate development in OHADA space”
Target audience: lawyers, bailiffs, corporate advisers, corporate directors, managers and economic operators.
Date and time: Wednesday 17October 2018 from 09am to 2pm
Cost : 50.000 FCFA (100$)
- Fill and send the registration form to ERSUMA;
- Pay the training fees amounting to:
350.000FCFA or 700$ for the revised AUDCIF
200.000 FCFA or 400$ for the training on the alternative dispute resolution methods
50.000 FCFA or 100$ for the Training Matinées
Students and postgraduates willing to attend the trainings will have a 40% discount on the cost of training after justifying their status (a scanned copy of student registration certificate in support of the application). Applications shall be sent to the Director General of ERSUMA through the e-mail address The reduction shall not apply to the cost of Training Matinées.
The training fees shall cover the equipment and teaching materials, coffee breaks and lunch during the training period. Travel, accommodation and other restoration expenses shall be borne by the participant.
Find attached the registration forms (as individual, organization or company) to sessions, and to Training Matinées.
For registration, kindly download one of the forms as individual, organization or company on the links below:
Form is to be sent by email to the addresses below: and
For any registration contact us:
Tel : +229 20 24 58 04 / 97 97 05 37 /95 40 31 90
Email : /
Lawyer at the Kinshasa Matété Bar.
Tel : +243 813143213
OHADA National Commission for RDC
Tel: +243 818411111
Email :
Email : /
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