The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), is organizing four (04) training sessions from 3 to 8 February 2020.
Venue: SULTANI Hotel of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Training sessions
Topic N°1: «Techniques and Strategies for Oil and Mining Contracts Drafting and Negotiation in Africa»
Trainers :
- Professor Mayatta Ndiaye MBAYE, Associate professor of Law, General Director of ERSUMA;
- Mr Boubacar DIALLO, PhD holder in Private Law, Associate Director of the Institute « Groupement expertise Carapaces » – Strategies & Compliance
Target audience : Executives and managers of companies in mining and oil sectors; Executives and agents from the Ministers in charge of finance and infrastructure; Executives and agents from legal services/departments; lawyers; notaries; company directors; company managers; executives and agents from administrative, financial and commercial departments/units; contract managers; company lawyers; bank and insurance lawyers; tax specialists; chartered accountants; auditors; managers and staff from Government offices, private sector, professional organisations, development partners, investment banks, investment funds, stock exchange organisations, management and intermediation companies (MICs), donors and international institutions wishing to invest in Africa; arbitrators and mediators; academics.
Dates: February 3 to 5, 2020 (3 days)
Cost: 300,000 CFA F (USD 600 )
Topic N°2: « Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods for Investment Contracts within OHADA Area »
- Mr Achille NGWANZA, PhD holder in Law, JUS AFRICA Partner, Member of the ICC International Court, Chairman of the French Arbitration Committee of OHADA Working Group.
- Mr Karel Osiris Coffi DOGUE, PhD holder in Law, Director of Studies, ERSUMA.
Target audience : Arbitrators and mediators; promoters, directors, managers and agents from arbitration institutions; directors and managers from investment sectors companies; executives and agents from the Ministers in charge of finance and infrastructure; executives and agents from legal departments/services; lawyers; notaries; company directors; company managers; executives and agents from administrative, financial and commercial departments; contract managers; corporate lawyers; banking and insurance lawyers; tax experts; chartered accountants; auditors; managers and staff from government offices, private sector, professional organisations, development partners, investment banks, investment funds, stock exchange organisations, management and intermediation companies (MICs), donors and international institutions wishing to invest in Africa; academics.
Date: February 6 to 7, 2020 (2 days)
Cost: 200,000 CFA F (USD 400)
ERSUMA Training Morning
The training mornings are organized in collaboration with the Young Lawyers Association of DRC Bar Associations. Professor Mayatta Ndiaye MBAYE, Associate professor of Law. Director General of ERSUMA will facilitate these training mornings.
Topic N°1: « Good practices in drafting terms of contracts relating to security interests in OHADA law. »
Target audience: Lawyers, notaries, company and bank lawyers, company directors, managers and economic operators.
Date and times: Saturday, February 8th, 2020 from 09.00 to 12.00 am
Cost: 50,000 FCFA (USD 100)
Topic N°2: “The garnishee’s liabilities in the recovery of debts”
Target audience: Lawyers, bailiffs, company and bank lawyers, company directors, managers and economic operators.
Date and time: Saturday, February 8th ,2020 from 2.00 to 5.00 pm.
Cost: CFA F 50,000 (USD 100)
- Fill and send the registration form by electronic mail to the addresses herein : and;
- Pay the training fees;
The training fees shall cover the training materials and equipments, coffee and lunch breaks on the training days. The participant shall bear travel, accommodation and other food expenses.
A 10% discount will be granted to group of a minimum of three (3) registrations for each session.
Students and PhD students willing to attend this training shall enjoy a 40% discount on the training fees when they prove their status by sending a request together with a scanned copy of the student registration certificate to the General Director of ERSUMA at, this discount is not applicable to training mornings
For information regarding accommodation, please contact us.
Our registration forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:’inscription_2020.docx
Registration and payment shall be made at:
The High Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA)
Porto-Novo – Bénin/Ouando, Carrefour Cinquantenaire – Pobé Road
Phone : +229 20245804/97970537/95403190
E-mail : /
OHADA National Commission (DRC ONC)
Croisement des Avenues Mbuji-Mayi et Colonel Lukusa, Kinshasa Gombe.
Phone : +243 817090508 – 817090509 – 817090510 – 817090513 – 817090518
E-mail : – web site:
Young Lawyers Association of DRC Bar Associations
Lawyer Alain ALINGUI, Lawyer, Barrister, law firm El Bethel, 01, avenue Wagenia
Commune de la Gombe, building le Baobab, 4th level, app D, ref: beach ngobila, place le Baobab
Phone: +243 84 387 54 19 – 8159 90 319 – 998 37 72 98
E-mail: and
Permanent Secretariat of OHADA
Yaoundé – Cameroun/ Hippodrome opposite MINREX
Phone : + 237 222210905/652626492
E-mail : /
Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA)
Abidjan – Côte d’Ivoire/ Plateau, Avenue Dr JAMOT, Angle Boulevard CARDE
Phone : +225 07444195/07912470
E-mail : /
« ERSUMA, for an effective and efficient rule of Law »