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Recovery of debts owed by public entities: Cameroon organizes the automatic registration of debts

In a decision dated 13 September 2024, with an accompanying circular letter of the same date, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Cameroon set out the institutional framework for implementing the automatic registration of debts owed by public entities. The decision, which gives priority to the amicable settlement of debt recovery, sets up a standing committee responsible for centralizing and examining applications for the automatic registration of debts and seeking, where appropriate, concerted solutions for the enforcement of debts owed to the State, decentralized local authorities and public establishments.

This initiative is in line with a major innovation in the new Uniform Act of 17 October 2023 on the organisation of simplified recovery procedures and enforcement measures, which adds the automatic registration of debts to the list of mitigations to the immunity from enforcement granted to public entities.