Uniform act on arbitration law
Date and place of adoption:Â November 23, 2017 in Conakry (Guinea)
Date of publication in the Official Journal of OHADA:Â December 15, 2017
Date of entry into force:Â March 15, 2018
Adopted on 23 November 2017 to replace the initial text of 11 March 1999, the new Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA) constitutes the ordinary law of arbitration for all OHADA Member States. It lays down the principles of the law of arbitration, regulates the different phases of the procedure, lays down the conditions for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and organizes the remedies available against awards, namely appeal to set aside, appeal to revise the award or third-party opposition.
The new Uniform Act seeks to enhance transparency, promptness and efficiency of arbitral proceedings in OHADA Member States.
It should be highlighted that within the OHADA system, the arbitration under the Uniform Act coexists with the specific institutional arbitration administered by the CCJA governed by the new Arbitration Rules of 23 November 2017.
Furthermore, the OHADA legal arsenal for alternative dispute resolution has been reinforced with the adoption of a Uniform Act on Mediation.
UAA: Contents of the act
— Please Online Consultation of Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA)– signed with summary version of the act will be available soon, thanks for your patience —Preambule
- Chapitre 1 – Champ d’application
- Chapitre 2 – Composition du tribunal arbitral
- Chapitre 3 – L’instance arbitrale
- Chapitre 4 – La sentence arbitrale
- Chapitre 5 – Recours contre la sentence arbitrale
- Chapitre 6 – Reconnaissance et exécution des sentences arbitrales
- Chapitre 7 – Dispositions finales
UAA: Online Consultation
— Please Online Consultation of Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA) – signed with summary version of the act will be available soon, thanks for your patience —
Consultation en ligne de l’Acte Uniforme relatif au droit d’Arbitrage – Version signĂ©e avec sommaire de l’acte.
Uniform act on arbitration law
Date and place of adoption:Â November 23, 2017 in Conakry (Guinea)
Date of publication in the Official Journal of OHADA:Â December 15, 2017
Date of entry into force:Â March 15, 2018
Adopted on 23 November 2017 to replace the initial text of 11 March 1999, the new Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA) constitutes the ordinary law of arbitration for all OHADA Member States. It lays down the principles of the law of arbitration, regulates the different phases of the procedure, lays down the conditions for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and organizes the remedies available against awards, namely appeal to set aside, appeal to revise the award or third-party opposition.
The new Uniform Act seeks to enhance transparency, promptness and efficiency of arbitral proceedings in OHADA Member States.
It should be highlighted that within the OHADA system, the arbitration under the Uniform Act coexists with the specific institutional arbitration administered by the CCJA governed by the new Arbitration Rules of 23 November 2017.
Furthermore, the OHADA legal arsenal for alternative dispute resolution has been reinforced with the adoption of a Uniform Act on Mediation.
UAA: Contents of the act
--- Please Online Consultation of Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA)- signed with summary version of the act will be available soon, thanks for your patience ---Preambule
- Chapitre 1 – Champ d'application
- Chapitre 2 – Composition du tribunal arbitral
- Chapitre 3 – L'instance arbitrale
- Chapitre 4 – La sentence arbitrale
- Chapitre 5 – Recours contre la sentence arbitrale
- Chapitre 6 – Reconnaissance et exécution des sentences arbitrales
- Chapitre 7 – Dispositions finales
UAA: Online Consultation
--- Please Online Consultation of Uniform Act on Arbitration Law (UAA) - signed with summary version of the act will be available soon, thanks for your patience ---
Consultation en ligne de l'Acte Uniforme relatif au droit d'Arbitrage - Version signée avec sommaire de l'acte.